Importance of Team building activities in the new normal

Importance of Team building activities in the new normal

Tough Times don’t last, Tough Teams do!

Importance of Team building activities in the new normal, for employee motivation. 

A lot has changed in the 21st century. In the previous days, corporates were all about competitive work environments. Companies were interested in delivering the best work, staying up to the mark for their clients irrespective of the team cohesion.

However, in the present times, we have witnessed a huge paradigm shift in the corporate culture. The focus is on collaboration and cooperation for optimistic team building. Organizations are now allocating separate funds to organize and manage team engagement, reward them for their performances, and re-energize their motivation.

Corporate Team building activities

So why is team bonding a must-have for Organizations?

Well, it leads to increased productivity, stronger and open communication, develops inclusivity, boosts confidence and improved familiarity with the company and its culture. Team activities are a definite procedure that augment trust and unity. Employees don’t feel they are here only for work. They are expressive even of their vulnerabilities and feel acknowledged for their hard work. Regular team activities can be helpful as some might take their own time to establish communication within the organization.

While the present times might seem challenging with remote working, team engagement is yet doable. Instead, such activities from home amidst the chaos can be fascinating. Therefore, here are a few ideas that can help you determine and establish a credible company culture with benefits for the future.

01.Breaking Communication Stereotype

Why should the team leads always take the lead? Breaking the regular chain of communication can motivate unguarded communication. Organizations encouraging open communication can mean instilling transparency among the employees. This can have a positive and long-term impact. In case you want to break the chain of regular banters amongst a few employees, organizing virtual events like Juke Box and Simon Says where the shyest employee takes the lead. It can be a healthy start for good team bonding.

Corporate Team building activities

02.Increase Motivation

Virtual team-building activities can break the ice stimulating participation from everyone in the organization. When employees engage in games like trivia or tombola, either individually or in groups, it builds momentum. Rewarding the person or group even in the slightest way increases confidence. Perhaps participation in such team bonding events can be refreshing and build a solid bond amongst the employees.

Corporate Team building activities

03.Collaborate to cooperate

For an organization to succeed, the teams must be in sync. Thus, as an essential component, team building activities must be organized to understand your team and employee-to-employee coordination. For that, you can assign virtual team-building exercises like an ad challenge teaming two individuals to produce an ad with a theme. These activities can fetch you amazing results helping you to understand their harmony. Additionally, it can also be your lead to apprehend the shortcomings and make improvements.

Corporate Team building activities

04.Encourage Creativity

Creativity determines perspective. It helps you to foster fresh and distinct ideas that are usually left unrevealed amidst the daily schedule. Out-of-the-box team building tasks can reinforce positive and mind-altering solutions. Virtual events like poster making a challenge or shooting short videos with ideas on how they perceive company culture or talking about their journey described creatively, can help you understand how employees think and feel at the Organization. It can also be a motivation for employees to share what unique and different ideas they have for building a healthy office environment.


05.Incorporate Recognition 

As your team works hard each day, even a small token of appreciation can be fascinating. Take a pause and reward your team by conceding their talent and efforts. It is integral for overall team inspiration. A virtual team-building event recognizing their performances and gratifying them with vouchers or gifts, nurtures a happy workplace. It also outlines your company values sending a strong message of an inclusive work environment.

Corporate Team building activities

Hence, if you have employees working remotely and in different locations, take a pause from the regular work schedule. Organizing regular virtual team-building activities can build better relationships. It can keep the positive environment up and running irrespective of the location. A stressful work environment can lead to higher attrition. Instead, an exciting and promising work culture assures happy employees. A positive work environment with positive communication channels increases productivity. Consistent team engagement exercises rather determine the overall growth of the organization even during a crisis.

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